Diet Plans | Diets That Work
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Best Diet Plan

Diet Plans has been providing information and reviews of diet plans since 1998. Some of our most popular pages are those on the mediterranean diet, diabetic diet, low carb diet, 3 day diet, detox diet and the zone diet. However, we also provide reviews of the most popular weight loss systems, such as Medifast, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. So, if you're looking for a healthy diet that help you maintain your current weight or lose weight (whether it's 5 pounds or 20 pounds), you've come to the right place. And most importantly, we hope you enjoy our diet plan reviews.

free diet plans,healthy diet plans,heart healthy diets

Over the years, these diet plans have proven to be the most popular on our website.

Weight Loss Systems

We also recommend a couple of weight loss systems, but we remain selective on which ones.

Natural Weight Loss

And if you're just looking for a natural weight loss plan, these may be the right fit for you.

The Dukan Diet Plan
Several Brazilian website visitors suggested I write about the Dukan Diet, or as it is known in Brazil, Dieta Dukan, as it is the most popular diet in all of South America - and apparently Europe too. So, without further ado, here's my take on the Dieta Dukan.


The Dukan Diet is a diet plan created by the French Dr. Dukan. His insanely popular diet books, which provide recipes and promises of a smaller waistline, are changing the world. It's been touted as the French version of the Atkins diet as it enables you to lose weight FAST! The diet puts major emphasis on lowering your carbohydrate intake, which is no easy task in a country where bread is a part of almost every meal. But if you can stick with it, and the high protien diet requirement, then you are indeed going to lose weight. But can you keep it off is the question? And how sustainable is this diet? And while it may be written by a Nutritionist, is it a diet your own doctor would recommend? So, does the Dieta Dukan work? Stay tuned and read the full diet plan review when it comes out next month :-)



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